Extra Rules

The commands to the black box are in a language I constructed, which I call e. To make a black box, those commands are converted into a different language, called JavaScript, which then writes HTML. This has the unintended but interesting consequence that some JavaScript and most HTML will work on the output from the black box. However, none of the commands in either language are as simple as the commands in e.


If a command is print "Hello", the black box will print hello. If the command is print "Hello", the word hello will come out in italics. The command print " + x + "" will make the value of x come out in blue in larger print than normal. print "Google" will print a link to the Google home page.


There are a number of math functions built into Javascript. x = Math.sqrt(7) will set x equal to the square root of 7. Modulos also can work: x = 16%5 will set x equal to 1.

To Infinite and Beyond

I cannot list all the Javascript and HTML commands that are possible. I also do not know exactly which ones will work and which ones will not.
