
You have to enter a name for your webpage, preferably your name, and a password. You will need the password if you want to change something on your web page. The webpage will be Choose just one word for the name of the webpage.
Name of webpage

Edit Your Webpage

If you can't find a page or tab for editing your webpage, create it here.


Three "Tags"

When you are done, you will have three open windows, this page, your editing page, and your viewing page. When you are done editing your page, click on construct and view, and this will save your changes. Then go to your viewing tag. Go back to your editing tag when you want to edit again.

What can you do

You can just write text. If you write "Hello World", that is what will be on your webpage.

Something that makes more sense after you have done a tag: All commands are surrounded by the lesser than and greater than signs. Usually, there is an opening tag and then a closing tag, and the command applies to everything between the opening and closing tag. The closing tag is that same as the opening one except it has a backslash in it.

Some Commands:

  • <i>Hello World</i> : italics
  • <b>Hello World</b> : bold
  • <center>Hello World</center> : places text in center of page
  • <font color=red>Hello World</font> : prints in red
  • <font size=+3>Hello World</font> : should increase size by 3
  • <font size=3>Hello World</font> : should set size to 3 (on a scale of 1 to 7)
  • <title>My Title</title> : doesn't change your page, but changes your title your browser presents
  • <a href=>link to google</a> : doesn't change your page, but changes your title your browser presents
  • <p> : Starts a new paragraph
  • <br> : Starts a new line
  • <img src=> : picture

This language is called HTML. You can find out more commands by searching the internet.